Brazil, for English people to see.

Dominique Rocha
4 min readJun 9, 2020


By now, everybody is moving their eyes to Brazil, the country I was born in.

We are the South-American epicenter of a deadly disease. And the Corona Virus, of course.

The disease I meant is, obviously, the social, ultra-conservative right-wing. We have it, the US has it, the UK caught it several years ago and still has it, but Brazil is a special case.

It’s not only severe, but it also went directly to the brain, and our bests experts can’t say if it will be a vaccine for it someday.

We all know the cure for this though: Education, class consciousness, and empathy.

Let’s start with the beginning

The year is 2018, the elections beat up the Brazilian’s Left in the face.

The most dangerous attack of my era was launched against our democracy. I wasn’t sure about it by the time, but just a few were.

We lost our time hating and judging each other by the political opinions showed in social media posts. We break up with relatives, friends, spouses.

It got serious and polarized like every ‘us’ against ‘them’.

I have little regrets about the ‘friendships’ I broke. They didn’t fit in my life anymore. I’m not sure if it was by their despair on social rights or economic fears.

Whether the reason was, I let them all go. Many of them in a quiet way, without showing my point of view. Already with others, it got relentless and impolite.

We didn’t know what was happening. The opposition starts fighting among each other. It was a mess. All other candidates sent wrong messages to the citizens, claiming for their candidacy even though their run had already ended.

That was the problem. They saw it as the end of the run as a whole.

One of them, the hope of the orphan children of a broken left, went to France. A more center oriented party severed on the inside, refusing to aid to one side or another, going each one to their convictions, showing their true colors.

With all that rampant stir-about of the left parties, Jair Bolsonaro was democratically — and you have to stick with that word — elected.

Whomever that came across with the European version of what we are having here now, the well known Hitler’s Nazism or Mussolini’s Fascism, knows that even the people knowing what’s happening often hesitates to take action.

Even David Lloyd George, UK former prime minister, outlying the British government for a few years, was sent to Germany back in the ’30s to dissuade Hitler in his endeavor, just to come back to the Royal Country and say, among other fondlings, the following:

“I have never met a happier people than the Germans and Hitler is one of the greatest men. The old trust him; the young idolise him”.

So even a ‘very capable man’ got it all wrong when faced by the lesser men, what should we expect about the general population facing a populist project of a fascist?


Brazil is facing fascism, want to know why? Follow the white rabbit


The same D. L. George would say, “There is no greater mistake than to try to leap an abyss in two jumps.”, in his war memoirs. Surely he said that about trying to pass difficult legislation and not about our society, but we can also use that to the solution about Brazil’s politics.

There is no easy way to change a society that is so used to be punched and misguided like a proper third world country because going to the center of that matter would poke a bunch of Very Important People.

Brazil has been a playground for rich people like pretty much all other Latin-American countries, and it is news to no one.

L. George would entry in collapse if he had tried any attempt to pass legislation in Brazil.

All politicians always assume that they do too much for our country, so they unseemly increase their wages. Makes sense, right?

And what when people claim that something is going in the wrong direction?

The state is self-indicted, self-judged, and self-absolved. It’s the business plan of the century.

But when it comes to legislating, we have even a twitter account that makes fun of it, cause sincerely, it’s obscenely funny. If you are in the mood to laugh, and then get depressed since it’s real propositions from “real” politicians, it’s here: Proposicoes.
You’ll have to translate it though.

That brings me to this new project here on Medium, writing this text, in my Tony Montana’s English, to collect some opinions and to expose more freely a civilian’s opinion about Brazillian politics.

I see a huge amount of international news saying this and that about Brazil, but it never scratches the surface of our daily embarrassment.

The misinformation runs so deeply in our country that I’m afraid that even Brazilians living abroad can’t get enough truth without asking relatives.

So here is what I suggest: I’ll keep writing about Brazillian Politics, even though I am not an expert, weekly, and will write about the suggestions I receive here and in my Social Media.

If you feel it the same way, send me your comments below and I will be in touch.

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Dominique Rocha

I write stuff. UX Writing @ Bradesco. Freelance Ghostwriter and Copywriter. Opinions are my own.